F-104G 25+35 JaboG 32 at RAF Binbrook, UK 1978 F-104G, construction number 683D-8316, company model 683-10-19, built by Fokker manufactured by North Group (ARGE-Nord); first flight September 28, 1964 coded KG+416 at Fokker-Schiphol camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; acceptance date October 30, 1964 by BABwFokker with 2:20 flight hours in Fighterbomber version DB+235 JaboG 32 at Lechfeld AB delivery date on January 19, 1965 25+35 IRAN at SABCA on June 16, 1969 with 833 flight hours, back to JaboG 32 on January 23, 1970; JaboG 34 at Memmingen AB on March 11, 1981 EL-70/EL-73 Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) system was installed in the weapon system in the late 70s with tech order "TA-FL1191" withdrawn from use and stored at LwSchleuse 11 on January 14, 1986 with 3.643 flight hours; struck off charge order (AVA) February 3, 1986 MAP (Military Assistance Program) to TuAF (64-8316) coded "9-316" on February 26, 1986; "4-316" to 142 Filo of 4.AJU; to 192 Filo of 9.AJU at Balikesir AB in 1989 coded "9-316" withdrawn from use and stored on January 6, 1992 at Eskisehir; CFE cut up July 7, 1995, scrapped. copyright © Mühlböck collection