F-104G 23+98 in Köln-Wahn barracks at Luftwaffenführungskommando (LwFüKdo) 2014 RF-104G, construction number 683D-8124, company model 683-04-10, built by Fokker manufactured by North Group (ARGE-Nord); coded KG+224 first flight July 23, 1963 at Fokker-Schiphol to Fokker-Weserflug in July 1963 for RF-104G modifications according project "Bacchus" (for AG 51) camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; acceptance date November 25, 1963 by BABwFokker with 4.35 flight hours EA+114 AG 51 at Ingolstadt-Manching AB delivery date on February 20, 1964; AG 51 relocated to Bremgarten AB in 1969 23+98 JaboG 34 on October 1, 1970; modified as Fighterbomber F-104G in 1971 at MBB; JaboG 36 at Hopsten AB on June 30, 1971 JaboG 31 at Norvenich AB on November 27, 1974; JaboG 34 on December 18, 1974; Det Decimomannu on November 25, 1975; JaboG 31 on June 1, 1976 heavily damaged on June 30, 1976 after broken left main gear cylinder during run-up; repaired by MBB and back to JaboG 31 on May 26, 1977 August 1977 squadron exchange 312 sqn (2nd Staffel) with Italian Air Force 102 Gruppo, based at Rimini AB flying the F-104S withdrawn from use and stored at LwSchleuse 11 of LVR 1 on May 14, 1981 with 2.893 flight hours instructional airframe (GIA) at TSLw 1, Kaufbeuren AB July 6, 1982; struck off charge order (AVA) October 16, 1985 on pole at Kaufbeuren AB 1999 with training aid code "C061"; at Erding for restoration 2002 preserved in Köln-Wahn barracks (LwFüKdo) at building 61 (wings of 22+58), LwFüKdo badge on tail, November 17, 2005 first noted after restoration without badge March 14, 2010 noted; April 2024 noted. copyright © Harry Prins50°51'44.61"N 7° 6'37.18"E