F-104G "FG-435", ex 26+89  preserved in Acharnai, a suburb of Athens, Greece 2008

F-104G, construction number 683D-7435, company model 683-10-19, built by MBB (Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm)
manufactured by South Group (ARGE-Süd) & VFW; assembled by MBB-Manching starting June 8, 1972
manufactured as attrition replacement aircraft, assembly in Fighterbomber version according contract lot 10
first flight September 13, 1972 at MBB; construction level "Neptun" as Fighterbomber (for German Navy)
with AS.30 "Kormoran" anti-ship missile delivery system
Navy camouflage scheme "Norm 76" according tech order "TA-196-3"
26+89 acceptance date October 17, 1972 by GPS-MBB with 3:05 flight hours; MFG 1 at Schleswig-Jagel AB delivery date on October 26, 1972
MFG 2 on March 17, 1981; December 10, 1982 to Luftwaffenschleuse 11 for AN/ALE-40(N)
Chaff/Flare countermeasure dispenser equipment according tech order "TA-1469", back to MFG 2 on January 17, 1983
withdrawn from use and stored on July 10, 1986 with 2.179 flight hours at LwSchleuse 11
struck off charge order (AVA) January 4, 1988
MAP (Military Assistance Program) to Hellenic Air Force on August 24, 1988 coded "FG-7435" to 116 Pterix (Wing) for 335 Mira (Squadron)
last flight from 116 Combat Wing to 132 Combat Group at Agrinion AB (HAF Detachment) on April 7, 1993; withdrawn from use on July 20, 1993
stored at Agrinion AB in May 1998 noted; December 15, 2003 HAF HQ approved a F-104G to be displayed and it was transported to KEA Hellinikon
for maintenance; preserved on poles coded "FG-435" in Acharnai, a suburb of Athens in July 2004; June 7, 2008 noted badly colored by vandalism
2016 very badly colored by vandalism last noted; June 2016 removed and stored at Elefsis AB (KEA); February 2019 stored (dump) noted.

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