F-104G DA+120 JaboG 31

F-104G, construction number 683-2066, company model 683-10-19, built by Lockheed
manufactured by Group USA (ARGE-USA); Lockheed assembly in Fighterbomber version according contract lot 6; flight test release January 29, 1962
test flights with register number coded "166" only; coded KF+141 May 22, 1962 accepted by BABwLockheed with 18:05 flight hours
airlifted to Messerschmitt-Manching on June 1, 1962 in a Canadair CL-44D airfreighter of "Flying Tiger Line"; test flight by Messerschmitt on July 14, 1962
DA+126 JaboG 31 "Boelcke" at Norvenich AB delivery date on August 1, 1962 in Silver-finish colors
project "19" upgrade in order to get all Norvenich aircraft to the same modification level starting in January 1963
DA+120 recoded on March 19, 1963 after the upgrading; aircraft was modified to such an extent that it received a new tactical code
camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196" in August 1965; at Chaumont AB 10 till 24 June 1966 during this Tactical Weapons Meet
20+57 EL-70/EL-73 Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) system was installed in the weapon system in the late 70s with tech order "TA-FL1191"
Det. Decimomannu on August 31, 1979; Werft 11 of LVR 1 on March 17, 1980; JaboG 33 on November 20, 1980
TAM82 Wittmundhafen & Jever AB 11.till 23.June 1982; TLP Jever AB 29.August till 16.September 1983; JaboG 34 on February 1, 1985
withdrawn from use at LwSchleuse 11 on September 25, 1985; struck off charge order (AVA) May 9, 1985
MAP (Military Assistance Program) to Turkish Air Force (TuAF serial number 62-2066) on November 26, 1985 with 3.722 flight hours
to Sahin Kita OCU at Murted AB coded "4.066; coded "9-066" with of 193 Filo of 9.AJU at Balikesir AB on June 1, 1987; to 192 Filo at Balikesir AB in 1990 in Turkish camouflage scheme
coded "8-066" with 181 Filo of 8.AJU at Diyarbakir AB on March 15, 1992; at Norvenich AB "Tag der offenen Tür" Open Day September 11, 1993
withdrawn from use with 8.AJU at Diyarbakir AB on January 31, 1994; stored at Diyarbakir AB in May 1994
"8-066" preserved at Diyarbakir AB at the military school April 2003 first noted; Diyarbakir AB August 28, 2009 noted; April 2023 noted.

copyright © Wilhelm Göbel