F-104G DB+125 JaboG 32 at Lechfeld AB in 1965

F-104G, construction number 8307, company model 683-10-19, built by Fokker
manufactured by North Group (ARGE-Nord); first flight September 18, 1964 coded KG+407 at Fokker-Schiphol
camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; acceptance date December 17, 1964 with 4:30 flight hours in Fighterbomber version
DB+125 JaboG 32 at Lechfeld AB delivery date on February 6, 1965; JaboG 31 on July 28, 1965
DC+117 JaboG 33 at Buchel AB on September 9, 1965; IRAN at SABCA February 9, 1967 with 295 flight hours, back to JaboG 33 on August 3, 1967
25+30 IRAN at SABCA February 10, 1971 with 896 flight hours, back to JaboG 33 on April 6, 1971
EL-70/EL-73 Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) system was installed in the weapon system in the late 70s with tech order "TA-FL1191"
JaboG 34 on May 15,1985; TechnGrp 11 of LVR 1 "F-104 Kommando" on February 25, 1985; JaboG 34 on October 3, 1985; WTD 61 on February 4, 1987
withdrawn from use and stored at LwSchleuse 11, Erding AB on March 25, 1987 with 3.534 flight hours; struck off charge order (AVA) January 13, 1989
BDRT airframe at Hopsten AB on July 3, 1989; scrapped in July 1992; forward (cockpit) section preserved at Traditionsraum Rheine/Hopsten barracks in 1992; December 2005 noted
private display at Buchholz near Hamburg on June 8, 2006; September 2018 noted; January 2024 noted
October 26, 2024 tranported back to Rheine/Bentlage; preserved with Traditionsgemeinschaft Westfalengeschwader in October 2024; ongoing restoration in December 2024.

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