F-104G (KH+107) at SABCA with the Belgian civil "OO-FSA" (Fairey-SABCA) registration 1962 F-104G, construction number 683D-9007, company model 683-10-19, built by SABCA the first fifteen aircraft (cn 9001-9015) were assembled from components originally supplied directly by Lockheed manufactured by West Group (ARGE-West); assembly start at SABCA-Gosselies, Belgium May 23, 1962; flown with Belgian civil registration OO-FSA in 1962 first factory flight August 4, 1962; acceptance date by BABwSABCA on September 12, 1962 November 6, 1962 test flight coded with construction number "9007"; total of 8 factory test flights and 10 military test flights with 30 flight hours military test flights: 4.9.1962, 11.9.1962, 12.9.1962, 15.11.1962, 4.12,1962, 6.12.1962, 10.12.1962, 17.12.1962, 19.12.1962, 22.1.1963 (test) KH+107 delivered in AWX (All Weather Fighter) version under project "Green Hill" (for JG 71); LVR 3 (Luftwaffenversorgungsregiment 3) at Manching AB on February 28, 1963 for upgrading YA+115 ErpSt 61 at Manching AB delivery date on May 20, 1963; camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196" in 1965 May 14, 1965 to Messerschmitt for upgrading; IABG-Ottobrunn on January 25, 1966 for tests; to Messerschmitt on May 19, 1967 25+61 ErpSt 61 at Manching AB on April 24, 1968; MFG 1 on August 28, 1969; JG 74 at Neuburg AB on December 17, 1969 ErpSt 61 on September 2, 1970; JaboG 33 at Buchel AB on June 18, 1974; JaboG 34 at Memmingen AB on February 25, 1985 EL-70/EL-73 Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) system was installed in the weapon system in the late 70s with tech order "TA-FL1191" withdrawn from use at LwSchleuse 11 on February 2, 1987 with 2.529 flight hours; struck off charge order (AVA) January 17, 1989; BDRT airframe (GIA) at Schleswig-Jagel AB on February 1, 1989 private owned Mr. Rosenbauer, Munich 2000; stored at Baarlo, Netherlands in June 2000 by Piet Smedts at Kessel in Garagebedrijf Piet Smedts/PS Aero storage area; tail stored separate; March 18, 2006 noted PS-Aero at Kessel (bad condition) stored September 2012 noted (tail section of FX58 (Belgian Air Force); July 2018 noted stored at Baarlo, Netherlands in October 2018; August 2020 after restoration noted; May 2024 noted. Project "Green Hill": 42 AWX airplanes were delivered to the Fighter Wing 71 (Jagdgeschwader 71) at Wittmund. copyright © Johan Brinkmanns