F-104G "VA+111" MFG 1 1967 with a "Practice Bomb Dispenser" on the Center Line Station F-104G, construction number 683D-7108, company model 683-10-19, built by Messerschmitt (MTT); manufactured by South Group (ARGE-Süd) assembly start at Messerschmitt-Manching July 24, 1963; assembly in Fighterbomber version according contract lot 3; first flight October 12, 1963 coded KE+408 planned as VA+126 to MFG 1 on April 26, 1964, but not used; camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196" acceptance date by BABwMTT on May 29, 1964; LwVersRgt 3 on June 4, 1964 for upgrading and modifications VA+111 MFG 1 at Schleswig-Jagel AB delivery date on June 26, 1964 22+30 damaged September 25, 1968 while hitting a power line cable in the Vaerrasund, Norway, damaging the canopy glass and obscuring the visibility of the pilot for landing, safe emergency landing at Oerland AB; flown with C-74 Globemaster of USAF back to Messerschmitt-Manching; repaired at Manching and back to MFG 1 on May 9, 1969 Navy camouflage scheme "Norm 76" according tech order "TA-196-3" in 1970; withdrawn from use at LwSchleuse 11 on July 23, 1980 with 2.174 flight hours struck off charge order (AVA) October 7, 1980 MAP (Military Assistance Program) to Turkish Air Force (TuAF) on October 10, 1980 (with TuAF serial number 63-7108); coded as "4-108" with 4.AJU at Murted AB April 1981 to Sahin Kita (OCU); 1982 coded as "6-108" at Bandirma AB with 6.AJU; June 1988 noted; to 193 Filo of 9.AJU in 1989; May 10, 1993 to 181 Filo of 8.AJU withdrawn from use on January 31, 1994; preserved at Diyarbakir town coded as "8-108" 1994 first noted April 2017 display on pole in Diyarbakir town in a park close to the Airbase in grey colors scheme noted; October 2019 noted; February 2023 noted. copyright © Helmut Baumann SUU-21 Practice Bomb Dispenser