F-104G 22+63 WaSLw 10 from Jever at RAF Upper Heyford in July 1981

F-104G, construction number 683D-7144, company model 683-10-19, built by Messerschmitt (MTT)
manufactured by South Group (ARGE-Süd); assembly start at Messerschmitt-Manching January 7, 1964
assembly in Fighterbomber version according contract lot 5; first flight April 20, 1964 coded KE+444
acceptance date on June 29, 1964 by BABwMTT; project "Diana" in Fighterbomber version (for JaboG 34) with installed M61 20 mm Vulcan machine gun
camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"
DD+245 JaboG 34 at Memmingen AB delivery date on July 9,1964
22+63 on March 11, 1981 to WaSLw 10 at Jever AB; JaboG 32 at Lechfeld AB on January 19, 1983
withdrawn from use and stored at LwSchleuse 11 on July 1, 1983; struck off charge order (AVA) October 2, 1984
MAP (Military Assistance Program) with 2.861 flight hours to Türk Hava Kuvvetleri (TuAF) September 18, 1984 (TuAF serial number 64-7144); coded "4-144" to 142 Filo 1984
coded "9-144" with 192 Filo of 9AJU at Balikesir AB 1989; with 181 Filo of 8.AJU code "8-144" at Diyarbakir AB March 13, 1992, 
noted in the 90s with black nose and Luftwaffe color scheme; seen coded 8-144 with 181 Filo of 8.AJU at Incirlik AB in 1993
withdrawn from use and stored June 19, 1993; CFE cut-up July 26, 1995; scrapped.

Project "Diana": delivery of 42 Fighterbomber with built-in Vulcan M61 20 mm machine gun for 1st and 2nd Squadron of Jagdbombergeschwader 34 (FBW 34) at Memmingen, 
later the number of aircraft was increased to 48.

copyright © Baldur Sweinsson