F-104G 24+44 Jagdbombergeschwader 33 (JaboG 33) at Buchel AB February 22, 1973 RF-104G, construction number 683D-8187, company model 683-04-10, built by Fokker manufactured by North Group (ARGE-Nord); Fokker factory construction number 10637; first flight December 4, 1963 coded KG+287 RF-104G photoreconnaissance version modification according project "Recce" at Avio Diepen on December 4, 1963 camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; acceptance date May 5, 1964 with 5:05 flight hours BB+238 WaSLw 10 (OTU Operational Training Unit) at Jever AB delivery date on May 14, 1964; VFW inspection on May 26, 1967 IRAN at SABCA on November 12, 1967 with 276 flight hours, to JaboG 32 at Lechfeld AB on February 2, 1968 24+44 to JaboG 33 at Buchel AB on October 9, 1969; modified to Fighterbomber version F-104G by Messerschmitt AG on December 19, 1968 JaboG 33 at Buchel AB on April 2, 1969; JaboG 36 at Hopsten AB on May 12, 1971; back to JaboG 33 crashed February 22, 1973 during landing at Buchel Air Base after an emergency landing due to the loss of one hydraulic system, aircraft skidded off the runway and was damaged beyond repair (DBR), pilot ejected safely over the runway; struck off charge order (AVA) August 24, 1973 WWDBw Munster for firefighting tests, BDRT airframe on September 27, 1985 noted; scrapped. Project "Recce": included 66 RF-104G from ARGE-Nord, which were converted to RF-104G before delivery. They were mainly intended for the second squadron of WaSLw 10, AG 51, AG 52 and project Columbus. WWDBw: Wehrwissenschaftliche Dienststelle der Bundeswehr copyright © Frank Matthes