F-104G 24+83 JaboG 32 visiting RAF Gutersloh October 1981

RF-104G, construction number 683D-8233, company model 683-04-10, built by Fokker
manufactured by North Group (ARGE-Nord); first flight March 16, 1964 coded KG+333 at Fokker-Schiphol
RF-104G photoreconnaissance version modification at Weserflug in March 1964 with project "Recce"
camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; acceptance date by BABwFokker (RNAF-MTA) June 17, 1964 with 4:45 flight hours
LVR 3 (Luftwaffenversorgungsregiment 3) at Manching AB on July 6, 1964 for modifications
EB+231 AG 52 at Leck AB delivery date on November 6, 1964; IRAN at SABCA on January 19, 1967 with 195 flight hours, back to AG 51 on March 14, 1967
24+83 JaboG 36 on June 2, 1971; modified to Fighterbomber version F-104G by Messerschmitt AG in July 1971; JaboG 32 on December 1, 1971
withdrawn from use and stored at LwSchleuse 11 on November 22, 1982 with 3.354 flight hours; struck off charge order (AVA) October 2, 1984
MAP (Military Assistance Program) to Türk Hava Kuvvetleri (Turkish Air Force) with TuAF serial number 64-8233 on September 18, 1984; 4.AJU coded "4-233" 1984-1988
withdrawn from use and stored August 31, 1988; noted coded "4-233" in 1989 at Murted AB; CFE cut-up later; scrapped.

Project "Recce": included 66 RF-104G from ARGE-Nord, which were converted to RF-104G before delivery.
They were mainly intended for the second squadron of WaSLw 10, AG 51, AG 52 and project Columbus.

copyright © Thomas Westhoff-Düppmann