photo of F-104G 26+59: picture wanted coded 26+59

F-104G 26+59 (no photo)

F-104G, construction number 683D-7405, company model 683-10-19, built by MBB
manufactured by South Group (ARGE-Süd) & VFW; assembly start August 10, 1971 as attrition replacement aircraft
assembly in Fighterbomber version according contract lot 4; first flight October 21, 1971 at MBB
acceptance date by GPS-MBB December 22, 1971 with 7:05 flight hours
modification level "Neptun" as Fighterbomber (for German Navy) with AS.30 "Kormoran"
anti-ship missile delivery system; Navy camouflage scheme "Norm 76" according tech order "TA-196-3"
26+59 MFG 2 at Eggebek AB delivery date on January 13, 1972
crashed February 16, 1972 during a practice bombing run on Terschelling Range, Netherlands after losing control and water contact of the aircraft (CFIT)
pilot was killed; struck off charge order (AVA) April 14, 1972.

"Neptun" 36 F-104G Fighterbomber for the Navy with built-in AS.30 "Kormoran" anti-ship missile delivery wiring system.

copyright © Karl Ascherl