TF-104G 27+39 JaboG 34 at Bremgarten Open House in September 1976

TF-104G, construction number 583D-5741, company model 583-10-20, US serial number 61-3070, built by Lockheed
manufactured by Group USA (ARGE-USA); assembly at Lockheed-Palmdale; test flight release on May 14, 1963
first flight 1963 coded with US serial number "61-3070"; to Germany coded KE+241 in Silver-finish colors; acceptance date by BABwLockheed June 27, 1963 with 9:20 flight hours
airlifted to Manching, Germany on July 22, 1963 with a Canadair CL-44D airfreighter of the "Flying Tiger Line"
DA+070 coded for Messerschmitt test flight April 8, 1964; camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"
DD+378 JaboG 34 at Memmingen AB delivery date July 6, 1964
27+39 withdrawn from use at LwSchleuse 11 December 15; 1982; struck off charge order (AVA) January 7, 1983
MAP (Military Assistance Program) with 2.430 flight hours to Türk Hava Kuvvetleri (TuAF) (TuAF serial number 63-5741) on February 3, 1983
coded "6-741" with 162 Filo of 6.AJU at Bandirma AB in 1983; in May 1988 162 Filo (6.AJU) based at Bandirma AB; with 162 Filo at Cameri AB May 22, 1988 for squadron exchange with 21°Gruppo
coded "8-741" with 181 Filo on May 17, 1990; July 1990 181 Filo, based at Diyarbakir, rotated with the Italian Air Force 102°Gruppo based at Rimini, flying the F-104S ASA
withdrawn from use October 23, 1993; last noted for CFE cut-up July 11, 1995 (1.Air Supply and Maintenance Center) at Eskisehir AB; scrapped.

copyright © Willy Metze