TF-104G 28+26 WaSLw 10 at Jever AB

TF-104G, construction number 583F-5956, company model 583-10-20, built by Messerschmitt (MTT)
manufactured by South Group (ARGE-Süd) and VFW; (planned assembly at Palmdale with factory code KF+256 was canceled)
assembled by Messerschmitt-Manching starting June 9, 1967; code KE+114 assigned for Messerschmitt test flights on March 30, 1967, aircraft coded KE+114 on June 14, 1967
recoded KE+214 on July 16, 1967 due to code conflict; first flight September 8, 1967 coded KE+214 at Messerschmitt
camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; acceptance date by BABwMTT October 24, 1967 with 3:00 flight hours 
BB+126 WaSLw 10 at Jever AB delivery date on January 18, 1968
28+26 crashed on November 22, 1973 after engine failure near the island Langeroog, both pilots ejected safely; written off; struck off charge order (AVA) July 8, 1974.

copyright © Klaas Folkersma