F-104G "7415" displayed in Hellenic AF Museum (Helliniki Aeroporia Moussio) at Tatoi AB, Athens 2015 construction number 683D-7415, company model 683-10-19, built by MBB manufactured by South Group (ARGE-Süd) & VFW; assembly start in Fighterbomber version November 11, 1971 at MBB-Manching according contract lot 7 manufactured as attrition replacement aircraft with project "Neptun" as Fighterbomber with AS.30 "Kormoran" Anti-ship missile system first flight February 7, 1972 at MBB-Manching; Navy camouflage scheme "Norm 76" according tech order "TA-196-3"; acceptance date April 17, 1972 by GPS-MBB with 4:25 flight hours 26+69 MFG 1 at Schleswig-Jagel AB delivery date on March 20, 1972 Bulls Eye competition at Sola AB, Norway August 24. till September 4. 1975; MFG 2 on September 10, 1981 August 6, 1982 to Luftwaffenschleuse 11 for AN/ALE-40(N) Chaff/Flare countermeasure dispenser equipment according tech order "TA-1469"; back to MFG 2 on September 24, 1982 LVR 1 "F-104 Kommando" on January 21, 1987; WTD 61 (Wehrtechnische Dienststelle der Bundeswehr 61, a Test Unit) at Manching AB on May 21, 1987 withdrawn from use at LwSchleuse 11 on May 26, 1987 with 2.258 flight hours; struck off charge order (AVA) September 1, 1988 MAP (Military Assistance Program) to Hellenic Air Force coded "FG-415" on September 15, 1988 to 116.Pterix (Wing) at Araxos AB; withdrawn from use at KEA Hellinikon in May 1993 instructional airframe (GIA) at Tatoi Technical School from November 1993 until 1994; coded "FG-415" preserved at Hellenic AF Museum (Helliniki Aeroporia Moussio), Tatoi AB (LGTT) in November 1993; at Tatoi AB preserved outside the hanger coded "7415" in September 2005 noted; August 2017 noted April 2018 with white radome and faded serials/markings last noted; stored at HAF Museum in November 2018 noted; April 2024 noted. copyright © Harry Prins stored !