F-104G 22+91 "Silver Star", special scheme for the disbandment of "F-104 Kommando" at Erding AB 1988 F-104G, construction number 683D-7174, company model 683-10-19, built by Messerschmitt (MTT) manufactured by South Group (ARGE-Süd); assembly in Fighterbomber version according contract lot 6; assembly start at Messerschmitt-Manching May 20, 1964 first flight August 13, 1964 coded KE+474, project "Diana" in Fighterbomber version (for JaboG 34) with installed Vulcan M61 20 mm machine gun camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; acceptance date October 7, 1964 by BABwMTT DD+126 JaboG 34 at Memmingen AB delivery date on December 27, 1964 22+91 EL-70/EL-73 Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) system was installed in the weapon system in the late 70s with tech order "TA-FL1191" operated with flightdate and crash recorder LEADS 200 according tech order "TA-1411"; LwSchleuse 11 "F-104 Kommando" on July 5, 1985; JaboG 34 on June 18, 1986 new camouflage scheme "Norm 83" Lizard in 1987; LwSchleuse 11 on November 19, 1987; TechnGrp 11 "F-104 Kommando" on December 2, 1987 special scheme for the disbandment of "F-104 Kommando" with "Eiserne Kreuz"; last flight on September 19, 1988 by Maj Gottfried "Blacky" Schwarz with 3.739 flight hours stored at LwSchleuse 11 Manching on September 30, 1986; struck off charge order (AVA) January 13, 1989 instructional airframe (GIA) at Erding AB January 9, 1989 with training aid code "C081"; 1996 instructional airframe with operating systems (renamed Luftwaffeninstandhaltungsregiment 1 on July 1, 2002); November 2012 instructional airframe (GIA) with operating systems noted 2013 renamed Waffensystemunterstützungszentrum 1 (WaSysUstgZ 1) at Erding AB; November 2014 last noted November 27, 2019 transport of 22+91 to Holzdorf AB as instructional airframe (GIA) for the Lehrwerkstatt (training workshop) at Holzdorf; April 2024 noted. copyright © Gottfried "Blacky" Schwarz