This section contains
essays, stories and memories related to the Starfighter and flying in
general. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this special section. |
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The "Cactus Starfighter Squadron" select: CSS Story ( Klick here to read the version), by LtCol GAF (ret.) Horst Wilhelms |
Die "Cactus Starfighter Staffel" select: CSS Story (German version), von Oberstleutnant a.D. Horst Wilhelms |
Die F104-Story select: F104 Story (German only) |
The F-104 in SEA by Tom "SHARKBAIT" Delashaw, former pilot of the "Starfighters" |
Pilots Heaven (poem by Gene West) |
A fighter pilots "Dinner speech" by CDR "Beef" Wellington, former USN VFA-203 "Blue Dolphins" C.O. |
Ruminations on the F-104 by Walt BJ, Zipper pilot 319 FIS at Homestead AFB 1967, retired (not by choice) |
Mach 2 in the Zipper over Arizona (by Ike Sweesy, IP 1979-1982 Luke AFB 69 TFTS) |
"ARIZONA Life Style" from the book: Those wonderful men in the Cactus Starfighter Squadron |
Starfighter Down (Ejection from a YF-104 Starfighter) |
The Joy of High Tech (by Rodford Edmiston) http://www.dcr.net/~stickmak/JOHT/joht12f-104.htm |
80,000 ft. SKY HIGH: My climb to the top in the F-104 (by George J. Marrett) |
MEMORIES OF A FIGHTER, Cold War Alert Memories of a AMI fighter pilot (by David Cenciotti) |
US-German heritage 63rd Fighter Squadron 56 Fighter Wing at Luke AFB takes over partnership 2000 |
From A to G by Mike Vivian, former USAF F-104 pilot, Luke IP and Luftwaffe Exchange pilot |
Zipping at FL 730 - Flying the "hottest" 104 by Walt BJ, retired F-86, F-102, F-104 and F-4 pilot |
A tribute to Ben McAvoy, Mr. Starfighter who passed away on 14. May 2004 |
Nozzle Failure at 70.000 feet by Jim Flemming, first RAAF pilot to fly the F-104 and to get to Mach 2 |
100 missions over North Vietnam in the F-104C by Harold Alston, first to complete with the F-104 |
Test Pilot Bill Weaver: Mach 3.18 Break Up of an SR-71 Black Bird |
High altitude flying with F-104 The magazine Flynytt of the Norwegian Aero Club |
Everyday life at 331 squadron in 1970 The magazine Flynytt of the Norwegian Aero Club |
Interception by radar The magazine Flynytt of the Norwegian Aero Club |
Darker Shades of Blue: A Case Study of Failed Leadership, Major Tony Kern, US Air Force 1995 |
NASA F-104 legacy spans five decades, by Roy Bryant, NASA Project Manager |
The Wrong Way Ejection Seat by Norvin "Bud" Evans, USAF F-104 test pilot |
A hair-raising F-104 flying story! by Warren Hunt F-104 pilot with the 83rd FIS at Hamilton |
Fire Warning by Norvin "Bud" Evans, USAF F-104 test pilot |
Chase flights by Norvin "Bud" Evans, USAF F-104 test pilot. |
90 Second Climb - Zipper over Florida by Walt BJ, Zipper pilot 319 FIS at Homestead AFB 1967 |
The Starfighter Crisis "Mein Flugbuch", by Günther Rall Lieutenant-General of the Luftwaffe - Reminiscences 1938-2006, extract (German!) |
A Letter from Norm Lockard by Capt Norman Lockard, rescued in Laos |
Sounding off about the Zipper by Walt BJ, Zipper pilot 319 FIS at Homestead AFB 1967, retired |
F-104RB "N104RB" Red Baron speed record from the IFS website - see: CIVIL STARFIGHTERS IN THE PAST |
Transatlantikflug mit der F-104G - Der Mythos auf Verabschiedungstour! by Rolf Ferch (German only!) |
Tony LeVier - Lockheed F-104 test pilot Collins Signal 1963 |
"LN-3 Navigation system failure" by Norvin "Bud" Evans, USAF F-104 test pilot. |
Howard "Scrappy" Johnson, F-104 record pilot FLYPAST November 2014 pdf file ! |
Flying the Beast of Bodø - Flight testing Norway's restored CF-104D Starfighter Vintage Aviation Echo 2017 |
"Starfighters Aerospace - Second life for F-104s" CAA May 2016 by Luigino Caliaro |
"F-104 Maximum Weapons Capability" Lockheed mockup photos Download as pdf file ! |
"Pacer"-chasing a DC-8 Airliner at Mach 1 by Norvin "Bud" Evans, USAF F-104 test pilot |
Mach 2 Dream Job United States Air Force Test Pilot describes his activities on a typical F-104 acceptance flight, by Jancauskas, Capt USAF |
Norwegian Starfighter Association Interview UK Airshow Review |
Swiss Air Force - Tells Sternenjäger Swiss evaluation of the Starfighter in 1957 (German only!) |
The "Slivers" - 40 years ago http://www.sbap.be/ |
Exercise "Cowboy" - evaluation to ferry the F-104s in times of tension from the United States to Germany |
Any contribution is highly welcome, please contact the webmaster |
update: @ July 6, 2021 |