This section contains essays, stories and memories related to the Starfighter and flying in general.
I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this special section.
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The "Cactus Starfighter Squadron" select: CSS Story ( Klick here to read the version), by LtCol GAF (ret.) Horst Wilhelms
Die "Cactus Starfighter Staffel" select: CSS Story (German version), von Oberstleutnant a.D. Horst Wilhelms
Die F104-Story select: F104 Story (German only)
The F-104 in SEA by Tom "SHARKBAIT" Delashaw, former pilot of the "Starfighters"
Pilots Heaven (poem by Gene West)
A fighter pilots "Dinner speech" by CDR "Beef" Wellington, former USN VFA-203 "Blue Dolphins" C.O.
Ruminations on the F-104 by Walt BJ, Zipper pilot 319 FIS at Homestead AFB 1967, retired (not by choice)
Mach 2 in the Zipper over Arizona (by Ike Sweesy, IP 1979-1982 Luke AFB 69 TFTS)
"ARIZONA Life Style" from the book: Those wonderful men in the Cactus Starfighter Squadron
Starfighter Down (Ejection from a YF-104 Starfighter)
The Joy of High Tech (by Rodford Edmiston) http://www.dcr.net/~stickmak/JOHT/joht12f-104.htm
80,000 ft. SKY HIGH: My climb to the top in the F-104 (by George J. Marrett)
MEMORIES OF A FIGHTER, Cold War Alert Memories of a AMI fighter pilot (by David Cenciotti)
US-German heritage 63rd Fighter Squadron 56 Fighter Wing at Luke AFB takes over partnership 2000
From A to G by Mike Vivian, former USAF F-104 pilot, Luke IP and Luftwaffe Exchange pilot
Zipping at FL 730 - Flying the "hottest" 104 by Walt BJ, retired F-86, F-102, F-104 and F-4 pilot
A tribute to Ben McAvoy, Mr. Starfighter who passed away on 14. May 2004
Nozzle Failure at 70.000 feet by Jim Flemming, first RAAF pilot to fly the F-104 and to get to Mach 2
100 missions over North Vietnam in the F-104C by Harold Alston, first to complete with the F-104
Test Pilot Bill Weaver: Mach 3.18 Break Up of an SR-71 Black Bird
High altitude flying with F-104 The magazine Flynytt of the Norwegian Aero Club
Everyday life at 331 squadron in 1970 The magazine Flynytt of the Norwegian Aero Club
Interception by radar The magazine Flynytt of the Norwegian Aero Club
Darker Shades of Blue: A Case Study of Failed Leadership, Major Tony Kern, US Air Force 1995
NASA F-104 legacy spans five decades, by Roy Bryant, NASA Project Manager
The Wrong Way Ejection Seat by Norvin "Bud" Evans, USAF F-104 test pilot
A hair-raising F-104 flying story! by Warren Hunt F-104 pilot with the 83rd FIS at Hamilton
Fire Warning by Norvin "Bud" Evans, USAF F-104 test pilot
Chase flights by Norvin "Bud" Evans, USAF F-104 test pilot.
90 Second Climb - Zipper over Florida by Walt BJ, Zipper pilot 319 FIS at Homestead AFB 1967
The Starfighter Crisis "Mein Flugbuch", by Günther Rall Lieutenant-General of the Luftwaffe - Reminiscences 1938-2006, extract (German!)
A Letter from Norm Lockard by Capt Norman Lockard, rescued in Laos
Sounding off about the Zipper by Walt BJ, Zipper pilot 319 FIS at Homestead AFB 1967, retired
F-104RB "N104RB" Red Baron speed record from the IFS website - see: CIVIL STARFIGHTERS IN THE PAST
Transatlantikflug mit der F-104G - Der Mythos auf Verabschiedungstour! by Rolf Ferch (German only!)
Tony LeVier - Lockheed F-104 test pilot Collins Signal 1963
"LN-3 Navigation system failure" by Norvin "Bud" Evans, USAF F-104 test pilot.
Howard "Scrappy" Johnson, F-104 record pilot FLYPAST November 2014 pdf file !
Flying the Beast of Bodø - Flight testing Norway's restored CF-104D Starfighter Vintage Aviation Echo 2017
"Starfighters Aerospace - Second life for F-104s" CAA May 2016 by Luigino Caliaro
"F-104 Maximum Weapons Capability" Lockheed mockup photos Download as pdf file !
"Pacer"-chasing a DC-8 Airliner at Mach 1 by Norvin "Bud" Evans, USAF F-104 test pilot
Mach 2 Dream Job United States Air Force Test Pilot describes his activities on a typical F-104 acceptance flight, by Jancauskas, Capt USAF
Norwegian Starfighter Association Interview UK Airshow Review
Swiss Air Force - Tells Sternenjäger Swiss evaluation of the Starfighter in 1957 (German only!)
The "Slivers" - 40 years ago http://www.sbap.be/
Exercise "Cowboy" - evaluation to ferry the F-104s in times of tension from the United States to Germany
Any contribution is highly welcome, please contact the webmaster
update: @ July 6, 2021