The aim of this collection is to keep the memory of as many German Starfighter as possible alive. This will be a never ending story. But the objective is to get as close as possible to 916, because this was the number of Starfighter the Luftwaffe and Marine had at one time. Each picture has a short text about some data of the individual aircraft.
Gone - But not forgotten !
Gallery 1-75
Video archive
Gallery 76 -146
Cartoons and Fun
Luke F-104
About me - webmaster
Special Colors
Tallyho - International information
Preserved 104
Notebook - German F-104 information
Special Gallery
Construction number - single seater
Art Gallery
Construction number - trainer
"Stars" worldwide
Photo Album
History Pages
Zipper archive - International data
Model Gallery
Technical - Systems information
Hot Shots
What's new
"Wanted" List

In case you are looking for certain information on my website please use the search function below !

January 31, 2025: Gallery "Contrails" page 24 added ! over 6.000.000 visits on my website 896 of 916 Luftwaffe and Marine F-104 are now documented with a photo only 20 more to go!

Hubert Peitzmeier
Theodor-Heuss-Strasse 80
79539 Lörrach, Germany

  contact the webmaster